Sunday 18 February 2018

A snowy February Sunday

A snowy February Sunday.
I have a feeling this snow won’t amount to much, but for now it’s keeping me inside (the heated floor seems especially luxurious just now) I’m thinking it’s a good time to get started on a project I’ve been thinking of for a while- writing about all my stops on all of my tours! This is an especially ambitious project- we stop at A LOT of places, and because these places are all locally owned and operated- they all have amazing stories to tell. I get lost in these stories, these are the threads that weave the fabric of our city. The other thing is; the landscape is continually changing, I’m constantly meeting new people, trying new things....this story is continually unfolding.

So- I thought that I could try for three places per post, in the same general vicinity of the city. I’m hoping this might read a bit like a food tour, and then hopefully you’ll be inspired to check these places out yourself, so you can fall in love with Halifax like I do. Over and over again!

This is what we mean by SOMO 

Wednesday 7 February 2018

Time is Flying By

Time is Flying By!

Time is flying by. Christmas came and went, the hot water heater finally breathed its dramatic last breath and had to be replaced, the electric floor I put in is for the most part heating the condo on its own and more efficiently than the tired old setup That was there before . I’ve stripped the (disgusting) carpet off the stairs and out of the upstairs hallway. That was a job that took years off my life I’m sure. I’ve repainted the living room, and in my (somewhat contradictory) efforts to save money and not be cold, I took down much of our window trim and added insulation to block the drafts that whistle through the west facing side of the condo. These are all projects I will share in more detail soon.
On a personal note, I took the plunge and answered an open submission call for a show at our local art gallery- two of my pieces were accepted I’m very honoured to say, and I’ve finally listened to my Dr's concern about my numbers. You know, age, weight, cholesterol, BMI, and so on, I’ve started a pilgrimage to better health by numbers- examination of my relationships with food and exercise, food journals, the whole bit. It’s been about two weeks and I’m cautiously optimistic that I can begin sharing it. This particular journey will probably be a separate series altogether as there’s just so much to cover and I know from experience that this is a dedicated struggle.
On the tour front we’ve Launched The Saturday Afternoon Thing- this will be our third weekend and so far it’s going well! So many great stops and interesting stories emerging!
We’re also coming into tax season, my favourite time of the year, just kidding. I do enjoy the data entry and the obsessive sorting, categorizing and organizing though......odd I know.
So, I guess I haven’t been as slacking as I thought over the past couple of months. I’ve actually really kicked some ass looking back on it. Who else is kicking ass this winter? Let me know, and stay tuned!